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Flesh and Blood - March 4th Banlist Review: Many Changes for Blitz and Commoner!

Flesh and Blood - March 4th Banlist Review: Many Changes for Blitz and Commoner!

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, let's go through the March 4th banlist update, which significantly changed Blitz...

banlist review LL Commoner Blitz Viserai

The Hunted Review: How The New Set Will Impact Each Class

The Hunted Review: How The New Set Will Impact Each Class

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, let's review another Flesh and Blood set: The Hunted. We'll go over the new mech...

The Hunted Flesh and Blood Classic Constructed Blitz

Blitz Deck Tech: Data Doll MKII - Mechanologist

Blitz Deck Tech: Data Doll MKII - Mechanologist

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, we'll review one of the best Blitz decks currently: Data Doll MKII. We'll go thr...

blitz flesh and blood data doll skirmish

Flesh and Blood - November 11th Banlist Review

Flesh and Blood - November 11th Banlist Review

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, we'll go through the November 11th banlist, which affected all formats and mainl...

fab ban cc blitz LL

Deck Tech: Classic Constructed - Prism, Awakener of Sol

Deck Tech: Classic Constructed - Prism, Awakener of Sol

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, we'll work with Prism, Awakener of Sol, one of the most beloved Flesh and Blood ...

prism luminaris illusionist cc

Flesh and Blood Commoner Deck Tech: Enigma - Mystic Illusionist

Flesh and Blood Commoner Deck Tech: Enigma - Mystic Illusionist

Rafael de Melo

Today, we'll explore one of the best Illusionists in the entire game: Enigma. Let's review this Comm...

enigma mst commoner

FaB Review - October 2nd Banlist and Dev Talk About the Future

FaB Review - October 2nd Banlist and Dev Talk About the Future

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, we'll discuss the emergency Living Legend ban, and go over the Dev Talk with Jam...

FaB banlist LL Dev Talk

FaB: Skirmish Season 9 and New Living Legends!

FaB: Skirmish Season 9 and New Living Legends!

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, we'll review the last Skirmish season and see how some heroes' departure, the ba...

LL Skirmish Zen Dash Rhinar Briar

Commoner Deck Tech: Kassai, Cintari Sellsword

Commoner Deck Tech: Kassai, Cintari Sellsword

Gabriel Almeida

Today, we'll discuss what I consider one of the most underrated heroes in commoner: Kassai, Cintari ...

commoner kassai deck tech guide

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Las Vegas and U.S. Nationals Decklists, Metagame and more!

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Las Vegas and U.S. Nationals Decklists, Metagame and more!


The U.S. National Championship brought many surprises to the surface for competitive players!

news competitive fab

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Birmingham - Top 8 and Decks

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Birmingham - Top 8 and Decks


One more competitive event down, and more to come! Check out here the meta, Top 8 and their decklist...

news competitive top 8

Dusk Till Dawn Review: Impact of the Set for Each Class

Dusk Till Dawn Review: Impact of the Set for Each Class

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, we'll take a look at the new booster set, Dusk Till Dawn, and analyze what it br...

review dtd FaB Prism Vynnset

Flesh and Blood World Championship Dates, Location and Prize Pool

Flesh and Blood World Championship Dates, Location and Prize Pool


The Flesh and Blood World Championship 2023 has just gotten its dates, location, and prize pools ann...

news competitive barcelona calling

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Singapore - Top 8 and Decks

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Singapore - Top 8 and Decks


One more competitive event down, and more to come! Check out here the meta, Top 8 and their decklist...

news competitive top 8

Flesh and Blood - The Calling Antwerp: Top 8 and Decks

Flesh and Blood - The Calling Antwerp: Top 8 and Decks


The Calling: Antwerp took place over this weekend, from May 19th to 21st, and was reportedly the big...

news competitive antwerp fab

Flesh and Blood - Pro Tour & Calling Baltimore: Top 8 & Decks

Flesh and Blood - Pro Tour & Calling Baltimore: Top 8 & Decks


The Pro Tour: Baltimore is here! Check out here which lists made it all the way to Top 8 in the Pro ...

news competitive baltimore pro tour fab

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Auckland: Top 8 + Decks

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Auckland: Top 8 + Decks


The competitive circuit carries on, and Auckland's Calling, in New Zealand, brings a new aspect to t...

news fabtcg aucklan tournament competitive

Flesh and Blood: Indianapolis Calling's Top 8 + Decks Overview

Flesh and Blood: Indianapolis Calling's Top 8 + Decks Overview


The first tourney after the banlist implemented on January 30th brings the first competitive outlook...

news fabtcg indiana tournament competitive

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