Flesh and Blood
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Rafael de Melo
In today's article, let's go through the March 4th banlist update, which significantly changed Blitz...
banlist review LL Commoner Blitz Viserai
In today's article, we'll review an unexpected Classic Constructed ban and two critical rule changes...
fab banlist
In today's article, we'll go through the November 11th banlist, which affected all formats and mainl...
fab ban cc blitz LL
In today's article, we'll discuss the emergency Living Legend ban, and go over the Dev Talk with Jam...
FaB banlist LL Dev Talk
In today's article, we'll review one of the most important banned and restricted announcements in th...
FaB banlist AoW CC
In today's article, we'll review the new list of banned and restricted cards, which brought changes ...
ban zen cc starvo bounds
In today's article, let's analyze the updated ban list, its consequences for the game, and see how t...
ban PT FaB
In today's article, we'll analyze the effects of December's banned and restricted update, which prom...
banned FaB Blitz
A new update of banned and suspended cards is among us. Let's see how it impacted the meta for World...
ban Fab:LivingLegend Lexi
A new list of banned and restricted cards was announced and, despite the farewell of a hero, brings ...
banlist FaB Briar Ban
A new ban list is announced, and with it comes significant changes for the Classic Constructed. Chec...
Ban FaB July 3
With heroes reaching Living Legend status and several cards unbanned, let's look at how the Blitz me...
Ban Flesh and Blood Review
Bans are here, so, I'll present to you the changes proposed to the game and what to expect of the fu...
bans FaB FleshAndBlood
In today's article, I bring the game's banned list, explaining why the cards are on that list, and a...
Banlist Living Legend Flesh and Blood