Flesh and Blood
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Rafael de Melo
In today's article, let's go through the March 4th banlist update, which significantly changed Blitz...
banlist review LL Commoner Blitz Viserai
In today's article, let's review another Flesh and Blood set: The Hunted. We'll go over the new mech...
The Hunted Flesh and Blood Classic Constructed Blitz
In today's article, we'll go through the November 11th banlist, which affected all formats and mainl...
fab ban cc blitz LL
In today's article, we'll analyze the effects of December's banned and restricted update, which prom...
banned FaB Blitz
Flesh and Blood announces changes to Blitz ahead of the new Skirmish season with hopes of bringing b...
fab competitive blitz official
In today's article, we're going to discuss the last new hero of Outsiders with a deck tech from a pr...
Deck Tech Blitz Arakni
In today's article, let's delve deep into Azalea's precon, with a deck tech and a guide on how to up...
FaB Azalea Blitz Deck Guide
In today's article we are going to unravel Riptide, its proposal and a deckbuilding from the precons...
FaB Riptide Blitz Upgrades
In today's article we're going to elaborate on the new Assassin, Uzuri, how to play with it, its mec...
Uzuri Flesh and Blood Blitz FaB
In this article, I bring the most important cards of the Blitz and Classic Constructed formats, show...
Staples Flesh and Blood
With two classes, one talent and a gigantic deckbuilding restriction, Emperor is one of the most sin...
Blitz Emperor Deck Tech
In today's article, I bring a Dromai deck tech for Blitz, following an upgrade line from her Precon ...
Deck Tech Dromai Blitz
In today's article I bring you a Dash Deck Tech for Blitz, showing how to play with the deck, matchu...
Flesh and Blood Blitz Deck Tech
Briar is one of Flesh and Blood's most famous heroes, and her theme as an Elemental Runeblade is fle...
Briar Blitz Deck Guide
In today's article, we present an aggressive list with Arakni, the new hero released on Dynasty, sho...
Arakni Deck Tech Blitz Dynasty
In today's article, we present a Blitz Deck Tech for Chane, a Shadow Runeblade who uses the banished...
Chane Blitz Deck Tech
Cynthia Proença
Levia mixes the aggressiveness of Brute cards with Shadow versatility for explosive turns! a deck te...
Fabtcg Levia Blitz Deck Tech
Gabriel Singh
If you came from Magic and need a little help to learn better how to play this wonderful TCG that is...
mtg fab starter blitz tips