The concept of "cheap" and "expensive" depends on your perspective. Some people believe that cards like Art of War (2) or Balance of Justice are expensive, whereas others consider their price reasonable compared to their actual power. However, there are some cards that all players agree are truly expensive - whether because of their exclusive style or because of how rare they are market-wise.
So, let's see the top 10 most expensive Flesh and Blood cards!
A few notes on our criteria: for this top 10, we'll use TCG Player as a reference. Some cards are quite rare, and thus it is difficult to gauge their actual market price. So, we decided not to list them here (such as, for instance, a Cold Foil Fyendal's Spring Tunic). We'll only look at the cards that have been sold before and are available for any player to get.
Honorable Mention: Gold Cold Foils
Gold Cold Foils were only given out at bigger events (like Nationals and Pro Tours) - to the winners or the entire Top 8. There are various Gold Cold Foil equipment in all rarities, and, the bigger the tournament, the rarer they are.
For instance: at Pro Quests, you can get a Gold Cold Foil common, rare, or majestic equipment, such as Nullrune Robe, Snapdragon Scalers, Teklo Plasma Pistol, and many others. These cards cost around US$1.000.
Now, winning a Calling will give you a Balance of Justice, which, at the moment this article was written, has no estimated market value. In Nationals, where legendary Gold Cold Foils were given out to the Top 8 players, their price ranged from US$2.000 to US$5.000.
That's why Gold Cold Foils deserved an honorable mention. Without further ado, let's see our list!
10. Kassai of the Golden Sand (Marvel)

Kassai of the Golden Sand is a very popular hero. When Kassai, Cintari Sellsword was the only Kassai in the game, many players wanted an adult version of her for Classic Constructed, and we got her in Heavy Hitters. She soon became one of the most popular heroes in this set.
All of this hype, a great hero, and a legion of fans turned her Marvel adult version (which is a Cold Foil extended version) into one of the most expensive cards in the game. It costs around US$320.00.
9. Brutus, Summa Rudis

Not all players know about Brutus, Summa Rudis, but that's because he isn't available in conventional boosters. This is a judge-exclusive promo, and is only valid in UPF. He is included in packs given to judges in sanctioned events.
As a result, he is very rare, and, if you want one, you'll have to pay something close to US$400.
8. Scar for a Scar (Promo)

Scar for a Scar (1) is a common card that any player can get, and it only costs cents if you want the entire playset. However, there is an official promo version distributed by Team Covenant (a sort of box subscription), from the Crucible of War season.
As there were less Flesh and Blood players at the time, and this card was exclusively distributed by this service, getting a copy of this promo will cost you around US$524.
7. Sink Below (Cold Foil)

Every player knows that, when we talk about defense reactions, Sink Below (1) is the first card that comes to mind. As one of the best defense reactions in the game, it even costs something reasonable for a common card. It was already one of the most expensive common cards in the game, but its exclusive judge version, its Cold Foil version, is one of the most expensive cards in the game.
Because of how rare it is, it costs around US$530.
6. Levia, Redeemed (Marvel)

Tied with Sink Below (1), and costing around US$530, Levia, Redeemed's Marvel version is every Levia, Shadowborn Abomination player's dream.
This Demi-Hero not only fixes the "time bomb" problem this deck has, but also gives you a beautiful way to finish matches. This legendary card completely refreshed this deck, and turned it into an actual competitive alternative in Flesh and Blood.
5. Singularity (Marvel)

If Levia, Redeemed is every Levia player's dream, Marvel Singularity (1) is every Teklovossen, Esteemed Magnate player's dream. This action gives you one of the best payoffs in the game, and transforming your hero not only completely changes the game state, but often guarantees a win for you on the spot.
As it is a legendary and its original set, Bright Lights, wasn't that popular, this Singularity (1) costs US$600.
4. Command and Conquer (Fabled)

Command and Conquer (1) is already one of the most expensive cards in the game, even in its basic version. The fact it is so popular in several competitive lists because of its value and disruption definitely justifies its price, but, what if you wanted to "upgrade" its look? Dynasty released its Cold Foil extended art version, but in the Fabled rarity (the same rarity in gems like Heart of Fyendal and Eye of Ophidia (3)).
Given its importance in the game, and the fact it is so rare, this version costs around US$700.
And, speaking of Dynasty…
3. Emperor, Dracai of Aesir (Marvel)

Emperor, Dracai of Aesir played a critical role in the history of the game. It is a legendary card and comes in many types, which only an actual Emperor could have: Royal, Draconic, Warrior, and Wizard. As it is a legendary card, its base version is also relatively cheap.
However, its Marvel version (similar to the aforementioned Kassai) is quite limited, and that's what gives it a royalty-worthy price: US$725.
2. Arc Light Sentinel (Cold Foil)

Prism's specialization, Arc Light Sentinel (2) (or ALS), is one of the most important cards in her deck. Because of its Spectra ability and the fact it forces your opponent to attack it, some decks need an entire turn to deal with this aura alone. This makes the entire game really hard for Warriors and Guardians, but, in fact, the base version of its card actually isn't that expensive.
However, just like Sink Below (1), there is a Cold Foil version that is only available in judge boosters, and, because it is so rare and there are countless Prism players, this ALS version costs around US$1070.
1. Enigma, New Moon (Marvel)

Now, let's see the most expensive card in this article: Enigma, New Moon! This is a legendary hero from the new set, Part the Mistveil, but, you can't find her in conventional boosters.
In each Booster Box from this set, there is a chance (something around 1 in every 25 boxes) you'll find one extra booster. This booster is called the Golden Pack (precisely because it is golden), and, inside it, you'll find this hero.
However, her Marvel version is even rarer. Besides all the trouble you'll have to go through to get this Golden Pack, there are only 100 copies of this Marvel version in the entire world - so she is incredibly rare. If you love this hero and want this version of her, you can get it for US$4.000.
Final Words
Though these were the most expensive cards we could find, there are others that are just as expensive but are more limited. Particularly Fabled cards, like Eye of Ophidia (3) and Heart of Fyendal.
Nonetheless, this list shows that the most expensive Flesh and Blood cards are just more luxurious versions of cheaper cards. Their base versions are actually more accessible if you just want to play the game itself.
Do you have any of these cards? Would you like to get one of them, and upgrade your deck? Tell us your thoughts in our comment section below!
Thank you for reading, and see you next time!
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