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FaB - National Qualification Changes: Its Impact, Pros, and Cons!

FaB - National Qualification Changes: Its Impact, Pros, and Cons!

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, we'll analyze LSS's decision to change how to qualify for National Championships...

national xp Elo

FaB: The Value of Equipment Cards and How to Use It

FaB: The Value of Equipment Cards and How to Use It

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, let's discuss one of the most important cards in the game: equipment. We'll anal...

equipment FaB Tunic

Guide: Power Creep and FaB 2.0

Guide: Power Creep and FaB 2.0

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, let's analyze Flesh and Blood's history and try and understand when Power Creep ...

fab20 FaB Lexi Starvo

FaB Analysis: Effects of the Banned and Restricted Announcement - December 18th

FaB Analysis: Effects of the Banned and Restricted Announcement - December 18th

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, we'll analyze the effects of December's banned and restricted update, which prom...

banned FaB Blitz

FaB: Arsenal Guide - Its Importance and How Beneficial It Can Be

FaB: Arsenal Guide - Its Importance and How Beneficial It Can Be

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, let's analyze the concept of the arsenal as more than just one extra card per tu...

arsenal guide fab

Flesh and Blood Analysis: Banned and Suspended Announcement (November 6th)

Flesh and Blood Analysis: Banned and Suspended Announcement (November 6th)

Rafael de Melo

A new update of banned and suspended cards is among us. Let's see how it impacted the meta for World...

ban Fab:LivingLegend Lexi

Guide: Everything About Value and Turn Cycle in Flesh and Blood!

Guide: Everything About Value and Turn Cycle in Flesh and Blood!

Rafael de Melo

In this article, we'll discuss the value a card can have in a game, how important it can be for a tu...

value fab flesh and blood

FaB's Pro Quest Season 4 is Announced! Check Dates and Awards

FaB's Pro Quest Season 4 is Announced! Check Dates and Awards

Tabata Marques

Pro Quest was announced and with it the prizes were also revealed. Check now the dates, prizes and c...

FaB ProQuest season4 protour

FaB: September 19th List of Banned and Restricted Impact Analysis

FaB: September 19th List of Banned and Restricted Impact Analysis

Rafael de Melo

A new list of banned and restricted cards was announced and, despite the farewell of a hero, brings ...

banlist FaB Briar Ban

FaB: New Social Play Kit - Melody announced! Check out cards and dates

FaB: New Social Play Kit - Melody announced! Check out cards and dates

Rodolfo Nogueira

Focused on attracting more players and rewarding them for participating in in-person events, Flesh a...

fab fleshandblood kit new

Flesh and Blood - Battle Hardened: Columbus: Top 8 and Decks

Flesh and Blood - Battle Hardened: Columbus: Top 8 and Decks


One more competitive event down, and more to come! Check out here the meta, Top 8 and their decklist...

news competitive fab

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Las Vegas and U.S. Nationals Decklists, Metagame and more!

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Las Vegas and U.S. Nationals Decklists, Metagame and more!


The U.S. National Championship brought many surprises to the surface for competitive players!

news competitive fab

Flesh and Blood - Salt Lake City Brawl: Top 8 and Decks

Flesh and Blood - Salt Lake City Brawl: Top 8 and Decks


One more competitive event down, and more to come! Check out here the meta, Top 8 and their decklist...

news competitive fab

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Birmingham - Top 8 and Decks

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Birmingham - Top 8 and Decks


One more competitive event down, and more to come! Check out here the meta, Top 8 and their decklist...

news competitive top 8

Flesh and Blood - Battle Hardened: Chicago - Top 8 and Decks

Flesh and Blood - Battle Hardened: Chicago - Top 8 and Decks


One more competitive event down, and more to come before the World Championship in Barcelona! Check ...

news competitive top 8

Flesh and Blood - Battle Hardened: Cincinnati - Top 8 and Decks

Flesh and Blood - Battle Hardened: Cincinnati - Top 8 and Decks


One more competitive event down, and more to come before the World Championship in Barcelona! Check ...

news competitive top 8

Flesh and Blood World Championship Dates, Location and Prize Pool

Flesh and Blood World Championship Dates, Location and Prize Pool


The Flesh and Blood World Championship 2023 has just gotten its dates, location, and prize pools ann...

news competitive barcelona calling

Flesh and Blood Partners with MTG's Professor in New Product

Flesh and Blood Partners with MTG's Professor in New Product


This new partnership between Legend Story Studios and MTG's Professor is setting out to give Flesh a...

news mtg fab product

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