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FaB: Skirmish Season 9 and New Living Legends!

FaB: Skirmish Season 9 and New Living Legends!

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, we'll review the last Skirmish season and see how some heroes' departure, the ba...

LL Skirmish Zen Dash Rhinar Briar

Flesh and Blood - July 8th Banlist Review

Flesh and Blood - July 8th Banlist Review

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, we'll review the new list of banned and restricted cards, which brought changes ...

ban zen cc starvo bounds

Part the Mistveil Review: The Impact of the New Set on Each Class

Part the Mistveil Review: The Impact of the New Set on Each Class

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, we'll explore the mists of Misteria and analyze the new set, Part the Mistveil. ...

msm nuu enigma zen chi
