Magic: the Gathering


Quiz: Which Modern Deck suits you best?

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A common question among players of different formats is which is the best archetype or deck to play. Let's find out what your profile is for Modern?

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übersetzt von Romeu

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rezensiert von Tabata Marques

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A common question among players is what is the best deck to play when changing or starting a format.

What better and more fun way to find out than in a quiz game? In this quiz, we will indicate which deck suits you best in Modern.

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The cards played at the opening of the games in the vast majority of cases defines the routes we will take. What's your favorite way to start games?

The ideal opening is the one you start by panning for resources, sculpting your hand, preparing future plays. Mana, dig, goCorrect symbol

The beginning of the game is the first step towards a cadence, you need to prepare it to develop the following turns. Mana, Dork, go.Correct symbol

A perfect start is the one that opens up possibilities for interaction and anticipates future plays. Mana, go.Correct symbol

The first turn is where the clock starts ticking, where the first threat comes in. Mana, damage, go.Correct symbol

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The time has come to devise a plan to win. What tactics or weapons are your best option to crush your opponents?

My main strength is speed on creatures and successive damage. Strike first, no mercy!Correct symbol

Mastery of every turn through disruption, cold observation, and unshakable will.Correct symbol

Every turn a bigger threat, my specialty is a precise and well-defined mana curve to play one threat after another!Correct symbol

An explosive combination in a window of opportunity!Correct symbol

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When is the best time to advance to triumph, when your deck likes to win the game?

The best time to win is now, when the game starts in the early turns, no fuss!Correct symbol

The decisive moment is built after the opponent's resources run out, where we can safely grow in the game.Correct symbol

Having defined the threats and the stability of the game, it is time to move towards the end, this occurs after the first turns.Correct symbol

The best moment is when all the pieces are in tune for a sure and inevitable play.Correct symbol

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It's time for a Dungeons & Dragons game, who are you in the party?

Hank the RangerCorrect symbol

Presto the MagicianCorrect symbol

Bobby the BarbarianCorrect symbol

Eric the CavalierCorrect symbol

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In Magic's early years, different creatures saw play in the world championship. Which of the following "staples" would you play in your decks?

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Kird ApeCorrect symbol

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Old Man of the SeaCorrect symbol

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Whirling DervishCorrect symbol

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AladdinCorrect symbol

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There are several mechanics which represent the pursuit for glory. Which is your favorite?

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the InitiativeCorrect symbol

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the MonarchCorrect symbol

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AdventureCorrect symbol

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Venture into the dungeonCorrect symbol

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What's the best way to kill a turn 1 mana dork?

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Lightning BoltCorrect symbol

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Prismatic EndingCorrect symbol

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Fatal PushCorrect symbol

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Unholy HeatCorrect symbol
