Flesh and Blood


FaB's Premier Play : Complete 2023 Competitive Schedule (So far)

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The new Premier Play Announcement is here, and with it, a new updated calendar for all Flesh and Blood events in the competitive circuit. Check out here the dates and locations for each event, plus a few more details about future tournaments!

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审核人 Tabata Marques

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  1. > Schedule
    1. February
    2. March
    3. April
    4. May
    5. June
    6. July
    7. August
  2. > Future Announcements

The Flesh and Blood competitive scene has come in at full force in 2023. Early on, there were already immense success with both the Battle Hardened: Belgium and Calling: Indianapolis events.

The Indianapolis eventlink outside website had an incredible number of 491 attendees, and though some cards had just been banned and restricted, this only fueled players' competitive drive even more.

Now, more events were announced for this first half of the year, including several Callings and Battle Hardeneds, a few of the ways players can grab themselves an invitation to the World Championship. Additionally, Pro Tours and National Championships were also announced in several different locations for the last quarter of 2023.



Image content of the Website


After the Indianapolis and Bologna Callings, the next competitive event set to February is Auckland, on February 24th-26th.

The event includes a Calling for the first days and a Battle Hardened on the last day for this New Zealand event. Both include money prize pools, and possible invitations to Worlds for the Battle Hardened event.

Calling: Auckland

Date: February 25-26, 2023

Format: Classic Constructed

Entry Fee: $100 NZD

Eligibility: Open-entry (no invitation required)

REL: Professional

Time: 9am

Battle Hardened - Auckland

Date: February 26, 2023

Format: Blitz

Entry Fee: $70 NZD

Eligibility: Open-entry (no invitation required)

REL: Competitive

Time: 10am


March will include a single event held in Charlotte, from March 3-5. There are several competitions available, one for each day, including a proper Battle Hardened on the second day. It includes money prize pools and PTIs, the invitations to Worlds.

Battle Hardened - Charlotte

Date: March 4th, 2023

Format: Classic Constructed

Entry Fee: $50 USD

REL: Competitive

Eligibility: Open-entry

Time: 9:30 am


Image content of the Website

In April, there are two events scheduled, a Pro Tour for Baltimore and a Battle Hardened for Richmond. The Battle Hardened is the first to happen, set to April 14-16th, and will include a money prize pool and invitations to Worlds:

Battle Hardened - Richmond

Date: April 15th, 2023

Format: Classic Constructed

Entry Fee: $50 USD

REL: Competitive

Eligibility: Open-entry

Time: 9:30 am

The Pro Tour for Baltimore will be held on April 27-30, 2023, and it will be a full event, including not only several competitive formats, invite-only and open entry, but also Ultimate Pit Fights (multiplayer), Commoner, Sealed Deck, Booster Drafts, vendors, artists, special guests and more. The main event, the Pro Tour itself, will have a $200,000 prize pool, and the other events, the Calling and Battle Hardened will have $30,000 and $2,000 prize pools, respectively.

Pro Tour - Baltimore

Date: April 28-30, 2023

Format: Classic Constructed and Outsiders Booster Draft

Entry Fee: None

Eligibility: Pro Tour Baltimore - Invited Players

REL: Professional

Calling - Baltimore

Date: April 29-30, 2023

Format: Classic Constructed

Entry Fee: $70 USD

Eligibility: Open-entry (no invitation required)

REL: Professional

Battle Hardened - Baltimore

Date: April 30, 2023

Format: Blitz

Entry Fee: $50 USD

Eligibility: Open entry (no invitation required)

REL: Competitive


Moving over to May, it's time for Europe. There are two competitive events set to happen this month, the first one being Calling: Antwerp, in Belgium, on May 19th-21st,and the second, Battle Hardened: Pittsburgh, on the following weekend, May 27th-28th. Both include money prize pools, and possible invitations to Worlds for the Battle Hardened events.


The Calling: Antwerp event in Europe will include a Battle Hardened event.

Calling: Antwerp

Date: May 20th-21st, 2023

Format: Classic Constructed

Entry Fee: €70 EUR

Eligibility: Open-entry (no invitation required)

REL: Professional

Prize Pool: $20,000 USD

Time: 9 am

Battle Hardened: Antwerp

Date: May 21st, 2023

Format: Sealed Deck + Top 8 Booster Draft

Entry Fee: €60 EUR

Eligibility: Open-entry (no invitation required)

REL: Competitive

Time: 9:30 am

The Pittsburgh event will be a shorter one, but it will include a Pittsburgh Brawl for the first day, which will include one PTI and money prizes. The event organizers will also award invitations to their own competitive circuit, the Realm Games Invitational, coming later this year.

Pittsburgh Brawl

Date: May 27, 2023

Format: Classic Constructed

Entry Fee: $65 USD (Or $55 if registered before May 4th, 2023)

Eligibility: Open-entry (no invitation required)

REL: Competitive


>8:00 am - Doors open

>9:00 am - Player meeting

>9:30 am - Round 1 begins

Battle Hardened - Pittsburgh

Date: May 28, 2023

Format: Sealed Deck

Entry Fee: $65 USD (Or $55 if registered before May 4th, 2023)

Eligibility: Open-entry (no invitation required)

REL: Competitive


>8:00 am - Doors open

>10:15 am - Player meeting

>10:30 am - Card Pool Registration and Deck Construction

>12:00 pm - Round 1


In June, the competitive stage will be set in Germany, for the Battle Hardened: Metropole Ruhr. This standard tournament, plus a few extra ones with special rewards, will be held on June 2nd - 4th. There will be money prizes and invitations to Worlds awarded for the Battle Hardened winners.

Battle Hardened - Metropole Ruhr

Date: June 3, 2023

Format: Classic Constructed

Entry Fee: €45

Eligibility: Open-entry (no invitation required)

REL: Competitive


>8:00 am - Doors open

>9:00 - Player meeting

>9:15am - Round 1 begins


Still in Europe, the next event is set to happen on July 28th - 30th, on English soil: Birmingham. It's the Calling: Birmingham event! It will be the first time a Calling is held in England, so it is an unmissable event. As usual, money prizes and World Invitations will be on the line in this iconic competitive event.

Calling: Birmingham

Date: July 29th-30th, 2023

Format: Classic Constructed

Entry Fee: £60 GBP

Eligibility: Open-entry (no invitation required)

REL: Professional

Time: 9 am

Battle Hardened - Birmingham

Date: July 30, 2023

Format: Blitz

Entry Fee: £45 GBP

Eligibility: Open-entry (no invitation required)

REL: Competitive

Time: 10 am


The last Flesh and Blood competitive event announced for this first half of 2023 is Battle Hardened: Salt Lake City. It's set to happen from August 4th to 6th, 2023, and it includes a Salt Lake City Brawl as well. Players will compete for money prizes and PTIs.

Salt Lake City Brawl

Date: August 5th, 2023

Format: Classic Constructed

Entry Fee: $65 USD (Or $55 if registered by July 6th, 2023)

Eligibility: Open-entry (no invitation required)

REL: Competitive



>8:00 am - Doors open

>9:00 am - Player meeting

>9:30 am - Round 1 begins

Battle Hardened: Salt Lake City

Date: August 6th, 2023

Format: Blitz

Entry Fee: $50 USD (Or $40 if registered by July 6th, 2023)

Eligibility: Open-entry (no invitation required)

REL: Competitive


>8:00 am - Doors open

>10:00 am - Player meeting

>10:30 am - Round 1 begins

Future Announcements

Image content of the Website

Though the schedule seems full for the Flesh and Blood competitive scene, this isn't all it was announced. In the official article, a few other places were listed as possible venues for several different events.

For Asia Pacific, there will be two Calling events in East/South-East Asia and one Calling event in Australia, set to be announced by March 31st, 2023.

In Brazil, besides the National Championship, there was the promise of a future Battle Hardened event for Flesh and Blood players, in the second half of 2023.

In the United States, two more Calling events are teased in the official announcement, alongside a reminder that the National Championship will bring more information regarding these events.

In Europe, though two events were already announced to Birmingham and Antwerp, that is also where the World Championship was announced to occur! On April 27th, at the Pro Tour Baltimore, they will announce the precise location of the main event of the year, which comes with another Calling event with a $30,000 prize pool, the first in Europe.